<![CDATA[Granddaughter Crow - GDC Blog]]>Tue, 07 Jan 2025 08:00:04 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Self-Respect, Self-Care, Self-Love]]>Fri, 09 Dec 2022 16:50:47 GMThttp://granddaughtercrow.com/blog/self-respect-self-care-self-love
​In a world where we are constantly being asked to take care of others, we also need to take care of ourselves. This is where self-care comes in. Self-care is essential to being a whole person – and leads us to more authenticity. It is sad that we need to learn this at an older age – I wish it were taught to us back in elementary school. If I could go back and effect our primary school lessons, I would add classes about self-respect, self-care, and self-love. The idea behind this is that once we learn these it is easier to know how to provide others with the same thing. 

For example, when I respect myself enough to take downtime or time to rejuvenate, I will immediately recognize and respect others when they do the same. Additionally, when I know how to take care of myself (physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually), I will then encourage others to do the same. Finally, when I know what self-love feels like, I become a healthier version of myself. This all leads to more authenticity. 


​Let’s take a moment to do an exercise. With a paper and pen, or on your computer create four different sections: 
1) Physically
2) Emotionally
3) Mentally
4) Spiritually
These are the four main aspects of the self. Now, below each section write down action items that will promote self – respect, care, and love. What does it look like in action for you? This is a wonderful exercise to do individually, or in a group. 

Example of Exercise... 

​Self-Respect, Self-Care, Self-Love
1) Physically
     a. Self-Respect in Action
         i. Standing up straight
         ii. Holding my head up
         iii. Move in the world authentically
     b. Self-Care in Action
         i. Eat healthy foods
         ii. Exercise (even if it is taking a walk)
         iii. Take time to relax and rejuvenate
     c. Self-Love in Action
         i. Take time to do things that I enjoy – a hobby, reading, creating
         ii. Spend a little extra time grooming myself
         iii. Spend a little extra money on purchasing gifts for myself
2) Emotionally
     a. Self-Respect in Action
         i. Know that my emotions are valid – and are an authentic part of me
         ii. Express my emotions in a diary or to a trusted source
         iii. Listen to another person and how they are responding to their world
     b. Self-Care in Action
         i. Take time to feel my feelings
         ii. Draw a picture of how I am feeling in order to connect deeper
         iii. Take time out to process my feelings
     c. Self-Love in Action
         i. Do not judge my feelings
         ii. Understand that I am feeling what I am feeling for a reason
         iii. Accept my feelings
3) Mentally
     a. Self-Respect in Action
         i. Learn something new
         ii. Don’t put my mental state down
         iii. Know what I know
     b. Self-Care in Action
         i. Process my thoughts with a diary 
         ii. Process my thoughts with another person
         iii. Listen to another person’s view and identify
     c. Self-Love in Action
         i. Positive affirmations
         ii. Read a good book 
         iii. Watch a good movie
4) Spiritually
     a. Self-Respect in Action
         i. Stand tall within my being
         ii. Know that I do not have to believe everything that another believes   
         iii. Give myself permission to believe what makes sense to me
     b. Self-Care in Action 
         I. Take time to meditate
         ii. Take time to learn more about spiritually
         iii. Take time to rest spiritually
     c. Self-Love in Action
         i. Be grateful that I am who I am
         ii. Be happy that I am who I am 
         iii. Be curious enough to continue to learn and grow in my authenticity
Granddaughter Crow
<![CDATA[How to Find Your Authenticity!]]>Thu, 01 Dec 2022 00:16:56 GMThttp://granddaughtercrow.com/blog/how-to-find-your-authenticityPicture
If you know anything about me, you know that I inspire, encourage, and empower individuals to be their authentic self. “So, how do we do this Granddaughter Crow?” Although there are many paths towards home, here is one that I have found to be extremely effective. 

​Authenticity is defined as undiluted self – your purity! Who you genuinely are within. However, life and experiences can dilute us in both large and small ways. Here is a wonderful model laid out for us by Joseph Campbell - The Hero’s Journey. ​

​The Hero’s Journey has three main steps:
  1. The Departure,
  2. The Initiation,
  3. The Return.  ​
​The Departure. The hero begins as an ordinary person in an ordinary world. They receive a calling (from their authentic self) and find supernatural aid or a mentor. Next, they step over the threshold of their ordinary life and the adventure begins. ​

The Initiation. The individual is faced with one or more tests of initiation. Maybe it is slaying a dragon or solving a riddle. The test(s) challenge the individual and brings up fears that they must confront. Once facing fear(s) the birth of the authentic hero is born – and the authenticity is their superpower or treasure. ​

The Return. The journey leads this authentic individual back to their ordinary world – but now they have changed. They have mastered both the internal world and external world. They know who they ARE, and they are my Authentic Heroes!!! ​

Be Your Greatness, as Only You Can Be! Granddaughter Crow 
<![CDATA[How to Renew Your Body, Mind & Spirit]]>Sun, 27 Nov 2022 00:57:47 GMThttp://granddaughtercrow.com/blog/how-to-renew-your-body-mind-spiritPicture
Your body, mind, and spirit are like a garden. Gardens need nutrients, space, design, and pruning. Hence, we need to nurture ourselves like a garden. We need to feed our four bodies of existence – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  We need to provide space for self-expression. We can design our day to ensure that we take the time to renew ourselves. And sometimes… we need to prune old ideas, concepts, and belief systems for new ones to grow. ​

​In every life a little rain must fall. This is to understand that rainy times or hard/sad times are not a punishment – they are natural. I have never met a person who will say that there were never any difficult times in their life. This tells me that it is not personal… it is life. And I am sure glad that we can connect through our pain as much as through our joy. ​

Renewal is a fresh start after a long road. Renewal means a time of resuming growth after an interruption. It also means that we can replace or repair something that is worn down. How do we renew? 

Cleansing leads to renewal. Physically, a hot bath and a good night sleep. Emotionally, an expression of emotions in a safe environment where you are accepted – especially accepting self. Mentally, a discussion or a journal entry can renew and inspire. Spiritually, a spiritual practice – even if it is as simple as a walk within the natural world. 

Renewal happens within the natural world all the time. The sunrise brings warmth and a bright new day. The springtime brings lifeforce and growth emerges. Is it time for you to renew? Then accept what has occurred, take a moment to cleanse and express, and wait for the refreshing sense of renewal to vibrate within you and your life. Celebrate the garden that is You! 

Happy Renewal! Granddaughter Crow 

<![CDATA[Benefits of Grounding & Centering]]>Sat, 26 Nov 2022 22:09:20 GMThttp://granddaughtercrow.com/blog/benefits-of-grounding-centeringPicture
The benefits of grounding and centering. Grounding and centering are basic topics in many circles and esoteric ​paths. However, I am not sure that we truly cover why grounding and centering is so important. Yes, immediate benefits of grounding and centering allows us to be present and mindful. What are the additional benefits?

Additional benefits of grounding and centering. It allows us to have a moment to take stock. To know how you are and where you are in all your four bodies of existence - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Think of a map, grounding and centering is the red arrow that indicates “you are here”. Once we know where we are, we can decide where we want to go and how to get there. 

​What is the quickest way to ground and center? I would suggest working with the five senses, as well as the sixth sense. Sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. Take a deep breath and see what is right in front of you.  Listen, to the sounds in your immediate environment. Can you smell anything? What are you touching and how does it feel? If you are eating, enjoy the full flavor. This allows for us to be present, and it grounds and centers us through the embodiment of consciousness. Additionally, relax and feel into your sixth sense – feel into your heart and your gut. As you relax into them, ask yourself, “What do I know?” Not “what do I think” … “What Do I Know”! 

​This is where you are and who you are – at this point in your journey. Next, where do you want to go, and what is the version of yourself that you would like to express? Write this down – these are your goals. Now we can take steps to reach these goals. Most problems have solutions – but we can’t always see the solution until we ground and center. This allows us to live a purposeful life – knowing who you are and where you are headed, as well as the steps to get there. 

Happy Grounding & Centering! Granddaughter Crow 
